

#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import pygame
import pygame.locals
from pygame.locals import Rect
import random
import math
import sys

SCREEN_SIZE = (640, 480)

BACKGROUND = (0x7f, 0x7f, 0x7f)

class Controller:
 x = 0
 y = 0
 a = 0
 b = 0
 buttons = [False for i in range(16)]

con = Controller()

hitEffect = False

class Atack:
 def __init__(self, rect, direc, damage):
  self.rect = rect
  self.direc = direc
  self.damage = damage

class Player:
 vx, vy = 0.0, 0.0
 direc = 4
 secondJumpFlg = True
 x = SCREEN_SIZE[0] / 2
 y = SCREEN_SIZE[1] / 2
 hit = None
 gauge = 0
 def __init__(self, screen):
  self.screen = screen
 def update(self):
  atack = 0
  jump = 1
  smash = 2
  if not con.buttons[atack]:
   if con.x > 0.0:
    self.vx = min(self.vx + con.x * con.x * con.x * 2.5, con.x * 20.0)
    self.direc = 4
   elif con.x < 0.0:
    self.vx = max(self.vx + con.x * con.x * con.x * 2.5, con.x * 20.0)
    self.direc = -4
   if con.buttons[jump]:
    if self.y == SCREEN_SIZE[1] - 16 - 32:
     self.vy -= 12.0
     self.secondJumpFlg = False
    elif self.vy > -2.5 and not self.secondJumpFlg:
     self.vy -= 12.0 + self.vy
     self.secondJumpFlg = True
  self.vx *= 0.925
  self.vy = min(self.vy + 0.5, 5.0)
  self.x = min(SCREEN_SIZE[0], max(0, self.x + self.vx))
  if self.x == SCREEN_SIZE[0] or self.x == 0 and self.y > 0.0:
   self.vy = min(self.vy + 0.15, 2.5)
   self.vy += 0.0125
  if con.y > 0:
   self.vy += con.y
  self.y = min(SCREEN_SIZE[1] - 16 - 32, self.vy + self.y)
  if self.y == SCREEN_SIZE[1] - 16 - 32:
   self.vy = 0.0
  self.hit = None
  if con.buttons[atack]:
   if con.y < -0.5:
    hitRect = (int(self.x) - 24, int(self.y) - 48, 48, 24)
   elif con.y > 0.5:
    hitRect = (int(self.x) - 32, int(self.y) + 8, 64, 16)
   elif self.direc > 0:
    hitRect = (int(self.x) + self.direc, int(self.y) - 8, 48, 24)
   elif self.direc < 0:
    hitRect = (int(self.x) + self.direc - 48, int(self.y) - 8, 48, 24)
   pygame.draw.ellipse(self.screen, (255, 0, 255), hitRect)
   self.hit = Atack(hitRect, (con.x * 10, min(con.y, -0.5) * 7.5), 1)
  elif con.buttons[smash] and self.gauge >= 80:
   if con.y < -0.5:
    hitRect = (int(self.x) - 24, int(self.y) - 48, 48, 24)
   elif con.y > 0.5:
    hitRect = (int(self.x) - 32, int(self.y) + 8, 64, 16)
   elif self.direc > 0:
    hitRect = (int(self.x) + self.direc, int(self.y) - 8, 48, 24)
   elif self.direc < 0:
    hitRect = (int(self.x) + self.direc - 48, int(self.y) - 8, 48, 24)
   pygame.draw.ellipse(self.screen, (255, 255, 0), hitRect)
   self.hit = Atack(hitRect, (con.x * 100, min(con.y - 0.5, -0.4)  * 100), 10)
   self.gauge -= 80
  self.screen.fill*1, (255, 255, 255), (int(self.x) + self.direc, int(self.y) - 20), 2)

class Enemy:
 vx, vy = 0.0, 0.0
 damage = 0
 def __init__(self, screen, x, y=SCREEN_SIZE[1]/2):
  self.screen = screen
  self.x = x
  self.y = y
  self.direc = random.choice*2
 def update(self, player):
  global hitEffect
  if abs(self.vx) < 0.5:
   self.vx += self.direc / abs(self.direc) * 0.5
  self.vx *= 0.925
  self.vy = min(self.vy + 0.5, 5.0)
  self.x = min(SCREEN_SIZE[0], max(0, self.x + self.vx))
  self.y = max(-640, min(SCREEN_SIZE[1] - 16 - 16, self.vy + self.y))
  if self.y == -640:
   self.vy *= -1
  if self.x == SCREEN_SIZE[0] or self.x == 0:
   self.vx *= -1
   self.direc *= -1
  if self.y == SCREEN_SIZE[1] - 16 - 16:
   self.vy = 0.0
  pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0x40, 0x40, 0x40), Rect(self.x - 16, self.y - 16, 32, 32), 3), (0x40, 0x40, 0x40), (int(self.x) + self.direc + 4, int(self.y) - 8), 4, 4), (0x40, 0x40, 0x40), (int(self.x) + self.direc - 4, int(self.y) - 8), 4, 4)
  if player.hit:
   hitRect = player.hit.rect
   r = Rect(self.x - 16, self.y - 16, 32, 32)
   if r.colliderect(hitRect):
    dx = player.hit.direc[0] + (self.x - player.x) / max(0.01, abs(player.x - self.x))
    dy = min(-1.0, player.hit.direc[1])
    self.vx += dx * self.damage ** 0.5 / 10
    self.vy += dy * self.damage ** 0.5 / 10
    if math.hypot(self.vx, self.vy) > 32.0:
     hitEffect = True
     hitEffect = False
    self.damage += player.hit.damage
    player.gauge += player.hit.damage

class Test:
 def __init__(self, screen):
  self.screen = screen
  self.player = Player(screen)
  self.another = Player(screen)
  self.enemy = [Enemy(screen, random.randint(32, SCREEN_SIZE[1] - 32)) for i in range(16)]
 def update(self):
  pygame.draw.line(self.screen, (0, 0, 0), (0, SCREEN_SIZE[1] - 16), (SCREEN_SIZE[0], SCREEN_SIZE[1] - 16))
  for e in self.enemy:
  return self

class Title:
 def __init__(self, screen):
  self.screen = screen
 def update(self):
  if con.x > 0:
  if con.a > 0:
  if con.y > 0:
  if con.b > 0:
  for x in range(16):
   pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (0, 0, 255), Rect(50 + 15 * x, 50, 10, 10), 1 if con.buttons[x] else 0)
  if con.buttons[0]:
   return Test(self.screen)
  return self

def main():
 global hitEffect
 screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREEN_SIZE)
  joystick = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) # create a joystick instance
  joystick.init() # init instance
  print 'Joystickの名称: ' + joystick.get_name()
  print 'ボタン数 : ' + str(joystick.get_numbuttons())
 except pygame.error:
  print 'Joystickが見つかりませんでした。'
  joystick = None
 currentScene = Title(screen)
 while True:
  if joystick:
   for event in pygame.event.get():
    if event.type == pygame.locals.QUIT:
     return 0
    elif event.type == pygame.locals.JOYAXISMOTION:
     con.x = joystick.get_axis(0)
     con.y = joystick.get_axis(1)
     con.a = joystick.get_axis(4)
     con.b = joystick.get_axis(3)
    elif event.type == pygame.locals.JOYBUTTONDOWN:
     con.buttons[event.button] = True
    elif event.type == pygame.locals.JOYBUTTONUP:
     con.buttons[event.button] = False
   pressed_keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
   con.x = 0.0
   con.y = 0.0
   if pressed_keys[pygame.locals.K_LEFT]:
    con.x = -1.0
   if pressed_keys[pygame.locals.K_RIGHT]:
    con.x = 1.0
   if pressed_keys[pygame.locals.K_UP]:
    con.y = -1.0
   if pressed_keys[pygame.locals.K_DOWN]:
    con.y = 1.0
   for i, v in enumerate([pygame.locals.K_z, pygame.locals.K_x, pygame.locals.K_c, pygame.locals.K_v]):
    con.buttons[i] = pressed_keys[v]
   for event in pygame.event.get():
    if event.type == pygame.locals.QUIT:
      return 0
  next = currentScene.update()
  if next != currentScene:
   currentScene = next
  if hitEffect:
   hitEffect = False
 return 0

if __name__ == '__main__':



*1:0, 0, 0), Rect(self.x - 8, self.y - 32, 16, 64

*2:4, -4

*3:0, 0, 255), Rect(0, 10, self.player.gauge, 20

*4:255, 0, 0), Rect(300, 10, 100 * con.x, 20

*5:255, 0, 0), Rect(300 + 100 * con.x, 10, - 100 * con.x, 20

*6:127, 0, 0), Rect(300, 30, 100 * con.a, 20

*7:127, 0, 0), Rect(300 + 100 * con.a, 30, - 100 * con.a, 20

*8:0, 255, 0), Rect(10, 300, 20, 100 * con.y

*9:0, 255, 0), Rect(10, 300 + 100 * con.y, 20, - 100 * con.y

*10:0, 127, 0), Rect(30, 300, 20, 100 * con.b

*11:0, 127, 0), Rect(30, 300 + 100 * con.b, 20, - 100 * con.b